[Black World Arc]: The Pride In Black (2024)

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

“Tch not enough its not enough” Animum felt the force her eyes widened and the spear ulquiorra threw had shot through the dust and the sediment with the brilliance of sapphiric gemstone. The spear would slam directly into her body and she would have paused for a moment, the burrning rippling over her body for the moment, the explosion increasing in size, and in power until it would have begun eating away at the ground and she was caught in the very center of it, the light surrounding her. Engulfing her, covering her in its raw power power that left an electric tingle on every bit of her body, even with her defenses. She felt it for a moment, the despair she was supposed to inflict on others, she felt it.. oh yes even with all her energy she just couldn’t seem to stop it.. she was stuck caught with her head in her ass and now was paying for it. Her body was burning and she was slowly twitching as she seemed to begin to look inwards in her heart.. she was looking for something anything ANYTHING that could bring her back from the brink. ”..This blue light.. is it really my end?.. im scared.. for once i am scared.. i don’t want things to end like this. Is this how i am .. too weak to complete the very things i wanted to complete? It.. just isn’t fair. I am the ultimate bringer of despair.. I am the strongest servant that belongs to khala and sunshine. I am the end, i am the beginning, yet i am struggling for air like a frightened child , i am struggling struggling.. i hate this blue light, i hate this egotistic man i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate. “ Animum slowly began to say.

The light had eroded her defenses, and her mind was converging to a single point, she begun to grind her teeth as her clothes had been burned off, as her body was burnt as bone begun to show from her fingers, as her hair begun to be charred to a crisp by the blasts magnificent power? Oh deep in her mind she was wandering, between the pit of despair, between the pain of losing, the powerlessness that was her position. Then it hit her.. the memories.. that world of flame.. where children lived without their mothers, husbands watching their wives get raped.. and then slowly killed before their eyes by a beloved member of their own family. Wars, the lost, the damned, the forsaken, the end, the chaos! The degredation, the primalistic urges of her being, the very mantle her name was supposed to invoke, these images and more, poured, and thundred, roared from their shells, and reverberated the fear and disgust that was now ingrained into her very soul. She was disgusted with this primordial sea of powerlessness that was herself, yes she hated that blue light, that energy, her own folly she hated it. SHE HATED IT ALL! oh how she hated and loathed that wretched blue light, and her hate was plunging her further into the abyss, further into the pits of her own power. It may not have been apparent yet, but ulquiorra had made her stronger, she had been taught the one thing she herself had never experienced for herself.. the fear of one stronger than herself, the fear that only was brought by a life or death situation.

This was that situation, there was the dead, and their world, and the living the world she still wanted to belong to. She was like a stumbling lamb brought from the dark and thrust into a den of hungry lions with two choices. Be eaten, or Evolve. Kill or be killed. So as she was burning up like a star that was on the verge of a catastrophic explosion, she felt her hate building up, until in the midst of the blue there would be a notorious purple, a purple which had split to a bloody red, and a sapphire oceanic blue. Energy which would crackle while she felt it, her anger the fear, everything in her mind was driving her nuts, these new sensations, even as the blood that was changed lingered in her veins was being burned she felt it. Which was why as the blast bit into dark menos forest there would be a shift, energy would begin to build her mind was going to work calculating the reminents of her memories, every last one of them she was learning devouring adapting. Forcing herself to evolve to learn to overcome. What would seem like a second outside was a century in her mind, As the very fabric of her mentality seemed to be challenged warped and contorted by the notion that there was someone who could possibly bring despair despair. That someone could even bring her to this state. Yes SHE WAS forced to do this it wasn’t her own choice he had caused this . HIM AND THAT HORRIBLE BLUE LIGHT. ”..That mere scum , to think he would be the one to force my hand like this, i will show him, i will show him i will overcome this, i will take from the vine and shear it all away, i will break him i will rip him and crush him, i will upon my mantle as the messiah of despair FIGHT and WIN. How dare he do this to me, how dare he me.. the ONE WHO BRINGS DESPAIR. should not be given despair, its unforgivable un forgivable un forgivable no no no no non NO! “

Animums mind would continue as she reviewed every battle, every moment that her predeccesor had learned something? She was revisiting it, she was pulling the very corners of this mind inside out, learning and eating up that knowledge, she was redefining every instance of it, as her face began to burn she was slowly feeling it getting a feel for all of it, every last bit of it, had become part of her her movements the way she moved the very thoughts she now had, she embraced it and then.. thats when she let the sea of chaos that was in her mind go loose, embedding the carnage breathing in the despair, processing her own despair and overcoming it, she wasn’t done, she wasn’t near done, she hadn’t even begun to change, and she wasn’t going to die here, not yet in this desolate place. Hell no, that wasn’t her destiny, that wasn’t her place and it wasn’t going to become her place either. [/size]

“I HATE THIS ALL “ Animum would say suddenly as from outside the huge blast would seem to explode as animum’s body shivered violently, brilliant wings bursting from either side of the pillar energy within expanding and expanding as her own body began to heal rapidly through pulling matter into her own body and reconstructing it. Then the energy would explode the sky itself being shifted in its color, blowing the blast to tiny bits energy ripping out in a damnable tide which wouldn’t seem to stop. Increasing as her sword hissed energy turning the swords metal a cherry red for a moment and then it’d hit the burst of pressure and the tidal wave of pure energy that would blow back the sands and leave a large crater before she had felt her wings rippling intensely the halo on her head glimmering forcibly electricity dancing around her. Burns still partianlly present on her,

Brown hair would form replacing the gold hue, and her eyes seemed to shift from gold to brown within a matter of moments clothes being replaced with a robe of rags , one that seemed to just billow out in the wind slowly.. and surely.. yes it was whipping about, whirling with the force that was present from the energy that continued to explode outwards energy that changed from red and blue to black with lightning cackling within the depths , energy yes raw energy continued to confine the radius around her compressing and compressing until her skin paled, turning a sickly shade of white she just couldn’t help it, no as her hair turned red, and wings of the blackest night burst from her shoulder blades she seemed to stare forward, her expression one of the purest hate, the grandest anger but also.. such amusem*nt amusem*nt that brought her body into a tottering state of joy.. but also need for destruction.

One more thing that would occur? from this massive prescence the moon would begin to shift color, it would turn from its normal white color to a deep bloodied red. tainted by the spiritual energy being emitted from the being that was present before ulquiorra, energy to the scale that it would quickly overtake the lightning, devouring it, turning it into more raw energy, instead of having all the generic offshooting of her energy which normally generated electricity, this would be converted into raw manipulatable energy, energy that would expand and engulf her even more. This energy would form a cloak, a brown cloak of raw energy which would shift down to her knees. billowing outwards in the wind which had suddenly whipped up without any real purpose behind it. Wind which would seem to expand and increase in power until it became a mighty gale one which wouldn’t abate any time soon.

So what would she say when her eyes opened? When that grin which seemed like broken shards of glass that had been pieced together in a perpetual jigsaw puzzle? Well. . she’d pause as her eyes adjusted, as she herself came to terms with what she had just managed to do, with what had just suddenly been undergone in that moment in time. Yes, she figured out what it was.. after a few moments, just in time with her wings glowing a dark shade of purpleish black, energy collectively crushing the sands below until they formed into sandstone, or even granite due to sheer force of the pressure being emitted at that particular moment in time So yes.. she’d speak then with a slow drawling sound, one which had been echoed by the power being emitted from even her mere voice.

”..Messiah Mode.. Acheived. . . “

Messiah mode information:
[i] Concept: Messiah mode when entered is very similar to a shinigami’s bankai state. It was made originally through her fight with ulquiorra when she was forced to elevate to a higher level of energy in what was without a doubt a life or death situation. The form maintains a tier of around 0-2+ as it is in between her masked and base states As well the tier increase is due to the fact that this form is made by converting the reserves of electricity found in her body and redirecting them into a spiritual generating this increase in tier.

Animum would look forward, her brown eyes narrowing the ground itself seemed to be smoldering because of the massive force of the shockwave that was ejecting from the midst of the blast ulquiorra seemed to have fired off. Animum would have then looked up her lips splitting and a grin lingering on her face, however? That wasn’t the kicker, no instead her hand would glow as energy radiating like millions of volts was expanding rippling and adjusting forming an intense stream that would oddly seem like the energy surrounding the mass was being converted sucked in and then condensed, more and more until the ground would seem to compact further. Then it would vanish, the whole plume of energy would vanish and she would look forward, her mouth slowly opening. The insides showing teeth and flesh, her tongue and uvula. However that wouldn’t be the bad thing about it. No it would only be when she seemed to crack with something akin to high speed transportation, appearing directly above ulquiorra looming miles up in the sky which was still tainted by the color of raw spiritual energy.

Even from up here? Her mouth would begin to show a deadly black glow, one which would increase in side, rolling from her tongue out into the air where it would suddenly light off, an endless stream of black which would slam around ulquiorra’s location, hopefully engulfing him in a blast which would blow a hole directly into the sands themselves, causing a hole which every second was growing bigger until it would blow into the menos forest a double mushroom cloud ejecting upwards into the mis-colored sky, leaving nothing but a massive shivering explosion of raw energy that probably could be felt around hueco mundo. Infact she had probably been able to leave nothing but that immense force behind while her hand moved rapidly, the knowledge of kido left in her mind from magnolia’s previous years sparking into fruition. She knew a great deal about kido, bakudo and Hadō. She didn’t use them because normally speaking these kinds of techniques where entirely incompatible with her body, however as her hand smoldered and black lightning rippled from her palm she would have in a voice that resonated began to clearly chant yes she would have brought the dark energy outwards displaying her mastery in mental deduction by reverse engeneering the spell tainting it with demonic energies and causing the spell itself to become warped and distorted, altered with the intentions to murder to fray to destroy to bring to a black oblivion which would never return to the world of the living again.

Even so doing this would take every amount of knowledge that she had from her past host’s memories about the practices of kido, it wouldn’t sound like words, instead with would sound like an endless screech of words that would have the consistency of nails going down a chalkboard infact they wouldn’t even probably sound like words anymore, after she let them loose from her mouth allwithin the span of an instant the roaring power expanding as instead of ten she tweaked the spell so that at the cost of doubling the energy drain it would shoot off twenty of these massive black energy points. Energy points that would rapidly increase in volatile sizeand power.

„pǝɹıɟ uǝɥʍ ʎןʇuǝןoıʌ puɐ ʎןɥsıןןǝɥ ɹǝʇʇɐɔs 'ʎɐʍɐ ɹɐɟ ɯıɐ ˙ɹǝʍoʇ ssǝɹʇɹoɟ ʎǝɹƃ 'ןǝǝɥʍ ʇɐǝɹƃ 'ǝɹnsɐǝɹʇ pǝsɐǝsıp 'pıoʌ ǝɥʇ ɟo ʞooq 'sɯǝʇı ǝuıu 'sǝıpoq ʇɥƃıǝ 'sʇǝןןnq sןןǝɥ ˙sɹǝpɹo ʎɯ ʎǝqo 'ʇuɐʇısǝɥ ǝq oʇ pǝǝu ou sı ǝɹǝɥʇ 'uıɐןs ǝɹɐ ɥʇoq uǝɥʍ sɹǝɥʇɐƃ ʇɐɥʇ ǝɯıʇ 'sɹǝqɯǝ ǝɥʇ pǝʇıuƃı ʇɐɥʇ puıʍ ǝɥʇ 'ʞɹɐp uı sʞsɐq ʇɐɥʇ pɐoɹ ǝɥʇ ˙ʎʞs ƃuıʎɐɔǝp ǝɥʇ ʇɔǝןɟǝɹ oʇ ǝןqɐun spuɐɥ ƃuıʇooɥs ˙ʇɥƃıן ǝɥʇ ɥɔnoʇ oʇ ǝןqɐun 'spuɐɥ ʎןpɐǝp 'spuɐɥ spuɐsnoɥʇ ǝɥʇ ɟo ʇıɯıן„

Senju kurai akuma karingu yakekoge! [thousand-hand dark demon culling sear is its english name]

After the incantation this spell a inverse of the thosand hand bright heaven culling sear kido with its improved fire-power would suddenly shoot downwards the blasting force of it as it hit the barren landscape being phenominal infact it would actualy have enought force behind it that once it contacted and object it would only be seen as an endless sea of dark energy energy which would momentarily block out the light, shatter anything else within eyesight, and finally? The blast would grow in size until it would eventually eclipse the red moon, and finally afterwards gutter out leaving only a massive crater of smoldering ashes energy and the twin holes which would have reached down into the mostly destroyed menos forest. Yes there would be very little left, however was she done? No.. she wasn’t done.. instead as she paused and laughed the side affect of casting even an inverted version of kido would hit her, particularly since this was the first time she had ever done such at thing. It wouldn’t be pretty either, with the incompatible energy base needed to make kido and her own energy conflicting. She’d shift and look at her hands, as she was trying to form another blast.

The energy would build and build, the blast which was intended to finish this farce then guttered out the energy dissassembling rapidly, and that would suprise her, she’d look down at her hand, at the moment curious as to why this would have happened , she’d try again while rapidly disengaging and the same thing would happen. It would seem that because of her use of a style of incantation that she hadn’t become used to she was now unable to use external type energy blasts, such as firing off cero’s or other types of attacks like that until her body readjusted the energy flow which had been thrown out of whack from using the technique. Not to mention she was feeling winded partially from the massive energy consumption of those attacks which had been used in rapid succession of one another, making it so that she’d just frown, eyes narrowing and her body shifting. Her lips parting as she let out a sigh, thinking something to herself. something silently within that whirring mind of hers. ”Huh.. that will be a problem for me.. i am now at a disadvantage i can’t use external energy.. meaning now i cannot do ranged attacks.. what a mess.. what an absolute incomparable mess im now in.. “

Animum then would have shifted a frown lingering on her lips, energy shifting from offense to defense fortifying her body while the rest of it would shift remaning bottled up inside, despite the absolutely monsterous signature leaking out around her body. Her sword resting at her side while she’d feel her wings ripple and then they would move in one mighty wingbeat, allowing her to launch through the air at rapid speeds her sword jerking around with enough speed that it seemed to momentarily vanish, a mere streak of silver coming around to deliver a blow which would be enough to slice a mountain’s top off due to the level of metaphysical reinforcing of her abilities, having converted energy into raw physical augmentation, speed, durability, punching and kicking power, all of these would have pretty significant increases in them for the time being. Then she’d bring her sword around and down, preparing for the next strike.

[Black World Arc]: The Pride In Black (2024)


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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.